Friday, February 6, 2009

Taste of Spring

Today we had the sweetest taste of Spring and it got me so excited about the weather finally getting warmer! We had our monthly cluster meeting this morning and it was so good to see my friends that I hadn't seen since New Staff Training in Colorado! Then I got to have lunch with another sweet leader, Kendall! And it was so fun to catch up with her. Hanging out with leaders and loving and encouraging and disciplining them is one of my favorite parts of my job! Then after a quick minute at the office, I took the long way home with all the windows down and the music laud and enjoyed the sweet sunshine and warm weather. It just puts me in such a good mood! Then I got some groceries and started making dinner for my YL team which only one person ended up coming, but it was sweet time of fellowship and we had lots of great food! I hope the weekend and Monday will be just as warm as today was or warmer, so I can enjoy this sweet spring weather just a bit longer before it gets cold again!

I just love sunsets!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 6, 2009

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