Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today was such a great day! I had lunch at CPA with our need leaders and they got to meet tons of new girls and it was so much fun to be there and hang out! After a great lunch I headed to the office to get ready for Work Crew Training. I worked on getting all that stuff together all after and got a 30 minute break to run home pick up some more stuff and head back to the office for the actual training! But we had 11 kids come and represent all the different schools which was so exciting! After my long day I was so excited to go home make some dinner and relax on the couch and watch my favorite show...LOST! If you have not gotten into Lost you need to go rent the first 4 seasons (or go online) and watch is an incredible show! I almost want to not watch them week to week just so that I can save myself all the suspense I have each week waiting for the next episode!

I really can't get enough of this show!

This is the gift Brooke gave to me tonight....Yes it grows!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 4, 2009

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