Monday, March 30, 2009

Frontier Ranch

So today I am off to Frontier Ranch in Colorado for 4 days for Assign Team Training for the summer. There was lot of snow and it was very cold but I mean I guess I can't complain that I get to go to Colorado!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

BAD weather coming....

So after a wonderful day of sleeping in....I headed off to Deer Run Retreat where I was going to a women's overnight with my church! On the way there we had CRAZY weather! One minute it was hot and sunny and the next and it was down pour and then hailing! Lucky I didn't know there were tornadoes all around me cause I was already freaking out!
But I did manage to take some pretty cool pictures of the sun!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Welcome to Moe's

So tonight I went to my favorite restaurant with some YL girls for some delicious food and lots of laughter! After we finished eating we basically sat around and laughed a lot!!

Sweet Emily and her funny hoodie!

Christina and the most amazing face ever!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Butts & Guts & Ugly Mugs

So every Thursday morning Alecia and I go to the East Nashville YMCA for a class called Butts & Guts and it is exactly like it's name!...Today we got killed and I'm not sure if i'll be able to walk for the next few days! But after our work out session every Thursday we go get coffee and chat at our favorite coffee shop in East Nashville, Ugly Mugs Each week the guys that work there ask us about butts and guts! This week they gave us a little surprise on my hot chocolate!

Man oh Man do we look for just getting our but kicked working out! Alecia and I were so excited about the drink! I will have you know that I drank the entire thing without messing up the B&G!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Capernaum Idol

Today was our last day of program for Capernaum Day Camp and as a final performance we made a video for YouTube (should be us worries!) Then our kids got to have their own Capernaum Idol! It was so much fun to watch all the kids have such a great time singing their favorite songs!

Andy (Wyclef) joining our friend Clay after singing!

All our Capernaum friends and buddies!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Jamaican me Crazy!"

Today we had a fun skit with a Sombrero to get us ready for some Moe's lunch and then we had a really fun county fair outside for the kids! It was a lot of fun but man oh man am I tired!

I may start doing this look more often!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"We are the islanders from Jamaica"

So this week is Capernaum's Day Camp and Andy and I have the great privilege of doing program for them. We are Jamaican Islanders trying to make it big on YouTube! We had so much fun going this! I will say that the Jamaican accent is a hard one to get down though! We watched lots of videos of Cool Runnings!

Being that today is St. Patrick's day my 'fro changed colors!

Monday, March 16, 2009


This week is CPA's Spring break and so not a lot of girls are in town but Elizabeth was in town and we get to hang out and play one night having dinner in Green Hills at Pei Wei and then doing some window shopping! We had so much fun! I really love hanging out with these girls! We went to Anthropologie and tried on some funny hats! I absolutely love to try on hats from different stores! Elizabeth and I had a great time hanging out!

I mean really the brim of my hat takes up half the picture!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

cleanin' out my closet

So after being inspired by Kendal, who cleaned out and giving away everything she hadn't worn in the past year....I came home and decided to do some cleaning myself! I own LOTS of t-shirts! I had just received an email from a friend looking for Young Life shirts to bring to Macedonia to give to YL kids there. And so the cleaning began! I got rid of a whole bag of clothes and gave away a bunch of YL shirts (which was so hard!) And yet I still have 50 YL t-shirts as well as about 25 or 30 other random t-shirts! Really I could probably wear a different t-shirt or long-sleeved t-shirt everyday for the next 4 or 5 months without doing laundry...thats doesn't even count for my hanging clothes! Just CRAZY! So in other words everytime I go shopping and want to buy new clothes...remind me of this!

After the cleaning...I still have TONS of t-shirts!

Friday, March 13, 2009

For my sweet Alex

So for a while I have been painting canvas for friends and Young life girls. I have started my own website on Etsy you should check it out! One of my sweet Young life girls bought one recently for her new dorm room she will be in at UNC! I am so excited for her and know that the Lord has great plans for Alex! I am so excited to be apart of her life and walk with her as she finishes high school and starts a new journey in Chapel Hill!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nashville YL's Benefit Concert

Nashville Young Life had a concert to help raise money for summer camping this summer! We had great musicians and a great turn out! Christopher Williams, Bebo Norman and Matt Wertz all performed and talked about their own experience with Young Life! It was so great!

The sweet girls I went with! Christina and Emilie!

They were all great performers...check them out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fashion show

So FOREVER ago I went to a Fashion show for one of my Young Life girls from CPA (Callie) She looked so beautiful! First a few girls and I went to Pancake Pantry for some incredible breakfast and then headed to Opry Mills to watch Callie! It was a bridal show. Here are some of the pictures!!

She is just beautiful!

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I am officially a slacker on my blog! So sorry! :)

Crazy life I live!

Promise to update new pictures soon!
Love yall!