Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Laundry Day

So normally on Tuesday mornings we have a staff meeting. But since David is leading Spiritual Emphasis Week at FRA high school we canceled our staff meeting. This gave Alecia and I another day to go to the gym for our favorite class "Butts and Guts". We thought that we would be able to stay for the class after as well since last Thursday's workout wasn't as hard but this morning kicked our butt. So we decided against the second class and went and got coffee instead! I had a few more meetings and preparing stuff for quest but most importantly when I came home to shower realizing that it had been WAY too long since I had done laundry! I guess that means I have too many clothes if I can go so long without doing laundry! So finally I did some laundry and I'm so proud of myself for that. (it's all about the little things!)

Photo a Day Challenge
February 10, 2009

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