So, I am happy to say that Brooke and I were early to staff meeting today! We had a great staff meeting that lasting until lunch and I stayed at the office finishing up details for summer camp, my monthly report as well as getting ready for club Thursday! I was able to take a quick power nap before heading back to the YL office for Quest tonight. Then met up with Brooke and we went and saw the movie Doubt. It made me so frustrated with the characters but was a good movie with phenomenal acting!
One thing I miss about Knoxville and my time with my roommate Christine was our highs and Lows for the day so in honor of her...
My Low for the day was that it was so freezing outside and so windy all day. It was 17 degrees in my car when we were getting out of the movie tonight and was snowing...I am so ready for it to be Spring!
My High for the day is 2 things...Talking to one of my old YL girls (Abby) and catching up on life and just to hear her sweet voice! I miss seeing her everyday and continue to pray that she would know the sweet love and grace of our Lord! My second high was watching these Ellen DeGeneres videos of her doing hilarious games with a blind fold. In which Alecia replicated at her club last night! You have got to watch these videos! There is one of some women playing musical chairs and one of 2 women eating Ritz crackers off glass blind-folded. The eyes on the blind-fold make the whole game!
This is Andy trying on one of the blind-folds after quest!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 3, 2009
One thing I miss about Knoxville and my time with my roommate Christine was our highs and Lows for the day so in honor of her...
My Low for the day was that it was so freezing outside and so windy all day. It was 17 degrees in my car when we were getting out of the movie tonight and was snowing...I am so ready for it to be Spring!
My High for the day is 2 things...Talking to one of my old YL girls (Abby) and catching up on life and just to hear her sweet voice! I miss seeing her everyday and continue to pray that she would know the sweet love and grace of our Lord! My second high was watching these Ellen DeGeneres videos of her doing hilarious games with a blind fold. In which Alecia replicated at her club last night! You have got to watch these videos! There is one of some women playing musical chairs and one of 2 women eating Ritz crackers off glass blind-folded. The eyes on the blind-fold make the whole game!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 3, 2009
1 comment:
highs and lows should be apart of everyones day :) i'm glad you realize how much you miss doing that with me.
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