So after a few days of being gone I came home to a crazy mess! They have demolished our dining room and kitchen and today started to work on the bar that they are putting up. And taking down the wood paneling as excited for this to be complete and our house to not be a mess. You know me, I'm the biggest clean freak ever...this is killing me!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Well today starts the Lenten Season and a new devotional book that I just got. I am excited about this season and hope that n these next 40 days I will grow more deeply in love with the Father and his surpassing grace for me. I think that instead of giving something up this year I am going to write a personal letter/note once a day. I miss getting letters in the mail and think that they mean so much more now when you do get one.
What are you going to give up or start doing this Lenten Season?

What are you going to give up or start doing this Lenten Season?
This is a bus that was parked at the post office today when I went to mail a letter out....Unreal!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 25, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
District Champs
After a long day of hanging out in Knoxville and driving back to Nashville I went to CPA's district Championship Basketball game against David Lipscomb. And we won both the girls and the guys games. It was so much fun to be with my sweet CPA girls and to cheer for a winning team.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Praying for Tine
My sweet friend and college roommate lost her brother in a car wreck today and I can not even fathom the pain and sadness she and her family are enduring. I ask that you would please pray for God's healing hands to surround the LeGrands' in this painful time. I know God has a perfect plan in all of this, I just wish I could take the pain away from my sweet friend.
I will not be posting daily pictures during this time.
I will not be posting daily pictures during this time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Remodeling begins
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Spring is coming...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rudy's at Bucksnort
So today we went to Bucksnort, TN to do some trailblazing...well kinda trailblazing! We got to ride the range the whole time through the woods making trails it was cold but it was fun!

Rudy's is the only restaurant in Bucksnort I believe! It is so good and so greasy!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 17, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mondays....wahh wahh
So after a long weekend I was ready to sleep in my own bed! But it was so hard to get up this morning so I worked from my bed for a bit...trying to catch up on all my emails and what not! Then worked on my talk for a bit before hanging out with a leader. We went to Guitar Center to buy strings and picks and then went and ate at Las Palmas (one of my new favorite restaurants!) It was a pretty chill day and definitely needed after a long and fun filled weekend!
I just love Mexican Food!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 16, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Knoxville :(
So today we had to pack up and leave Windy Gap. :( It's never fun to say good bye to friends and the best place on earth! But we headed back to was such a pretty drive through the mountains though! Then we stopped in Knoxville for lunch with a bunch of leaders and met Alicia, a leader on my team's parents. We ate at Aubrey's which is sooo good! but it made me miss Knoxville so much! and was sad that we could only stop real quick to eat and didn't get a chance to visit anyone. Hopefully soon I will get to go back and visit some friends...I miss it there! When I got home though our storage room had been cleaned out and preparation to fix up room and the kitchen! I am very excited to finally have a nice kitchen!
All the Nashville Leaders at Windy Gap!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 15, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentines Day
Well being that I celebrated Valentine's Day at Windy Gap I would say it has been my best Valentine's Day ever! We heard from both Jim Branch and David Haskins and all day had free time to hang out with friends! I got to play nertz with some friends and hang out a bit with Grace and her sweet little kids Jake, Annalise, & Joel! I also called my dad to find out some VERY EXCITING news! He told my mom and I together that he has planned a trip for her and I to go to Greece for 10 days in May! I was shaking and couldn't believe it and was just so excited! I wish that we were leaving tomorrow! He is such a great Dad! Then after dinner (where we had to have a date to get into the dining hall) we had a dance party in the dining hall with a live band! It was so much fun!
I just love her and miss her!
Annalise fell completely asleep during dinner and even had food in her mouth!
Sweet Baby Joel!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 14, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Windy Gap here we come!!!
Today we are off to Windy Gap for our TN regional Leadership Weekend. I am very excited about going to Windy Gap cause it has been way to long since I have been there. After a crazy morning and afternoon of running around trying to get things ready we were finally on the road! It took us 2 hours to get to Knoxville and it was so weird to drive through Knoxville and not stop. We took the back way to Windy Gap from there and stopped at Bojangles for dinner. We had 2 first timers and they loved it! I loved seeing all my old friends at Windy Gap and just have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Love in the Club!
Today was busy day of getting things together before I head to Windy Gap for our leadership weekend! But tonight we had our Valentines Club! It was so much fun and so funny to hear the girls say they had never heard 2 of the songs we sang (Hero - Enrique and I don't want to miss a Thing - Aerosmith) I mean I feel like those songs aren't that old?! But we had a great time singing Love songs and 2 girls from CPA (Elizabeth and Grace) won the game (singing with i pod headphones on to Aladdin's "A whole New World") They did so great!

So I told my girls about my photo a day and they wanted to be the photo for today! So this is Kate and Darsey and I driving home from Club! The third picture is our reaction to Carrigan (another CPA girl) driving herself to Kate's house!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 12, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So we had CRAZY weather here today! We had a tornado watch all day and severe thunderstorms through about lunch time. I was at CPA for lunch and it was down pour and blowing like crazy...then the power went out of course. But like all crazy Nashville weather, by the afternoon it was sunny and no clouds in sight! I mean really?! Yesterday was also the one year anniversary of the bad tornadoes that came through Nashville, so it was very scary. On my way back down town from CPA I saw a few huge trees down, including a good size branch that fell on our drive way...right where my car would have been if I would have been home! (So glad I was not!) But after all the crazy weather we had a great Work Crew training and I went to a high school hockey with some girls which was very fun!

A tree that fell in the crazy weather we had!
Kate, Carrigan and I at the Hockey game...they wanted to be the photo a day!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 11, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Laundry Day
So normally on Tuesday mornings we have a staff meeting. But since David is leading Spiritual Emphasis Week at FRA high school we canceled our staff meeting. This gave Alecia and I another day to go to the gym for our favorite class "Butts and Guts". We thought that we would be able to stay for the class after as well since last Thursday's workout wasn't as hard but this morning kicked our butt. So we decided against the second class and went and got coffee instead! I had a few more meetings and preparing stuff for quest but most importantly when I came home to shower realizing that it had been WAY too long since I had done laundry! I guess that means I have too many clothes if I can go so long without doing laundry! So finally I did some laundry and I'm so proud of myself for that. (it's all about the little things!)
Monday, February 9, 2009
My day away
So every month, our staff takes a day away each. A day where we do nothing Young Life and something that gives us life and relaxation. So today was my day for February. I got to sleep in this morning and then I watched a movie and painted my nails before driving the long way to the hair salon to get my hair did! I went to get highlights and I was very nervous because I have always gone to the same person to do my hair. But it turned out great! I absolutely love it! I came home made some dinner and just chilled around the house. It was such a relaxing day and i really needed it after a long week and weekend! Now I am ready to run full force.

My highlights! (it's so awkward to smile by yourself in a picture!)
Photo a Day Challenge
February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday to my brother Daniel today! YAY!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday to my brother Daniel today! YAY!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunny and 70!
So after a great Church service it was absolutely beautiful outside and there was no way I you could be inside on such a beautiful day! I had lunch outside with a leader and then went to Centennial Park to play some Ultimate Frisbee with some friends before heading to Vandy to play more Ultimate Frisbee it was just such a pretty day! I mean 75 degrees and it's February! I just love it and hope it stays a bit longer!
The Parthenon in Centennial Park....I mean is this really necessary?!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 8, 2009
Photo a Day Challenge
February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
He's just no that into you...
Today has been such a good day! This morning I helped out my roommate with their Capernaum Spa Day for their moms and it was so much fun and i was glad to be apart of it. They papered the moms of their Capernaum friends while their leaders took the kids bowling. They set up folks to come in to cut and style their hair, do their make-up and nails and give them massages. They had Ali Rogers come in and play music for them and gave them lunch. It was so fun! Then I had lunch with a girl from CPA and we picked up our pottery and all the pieces look great! When i got home I decided to take a quick nap and the next thing I knew it was 5:30pm and I was going to dinner at 6 with another CPA girl! It was such a sweet time with each of these girls and I am so excited for what the Lord is doing at CPA and with my ministry. Then I went and saw the movie, "He's just not that into you" was so good! And holy cow story of my life! Why is it that we try so hard for a guy to like us, when in reality if they like us they will let us know? Ugh! All I now is I trust that the Lord has someone out there for me...And just have to wait! But I highly suggest the movie!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Taste of Spring
Today we had the sweetest taste of Spring and it got me so excited about the weather finally getting warmer! We had our monthly cluster meeting this morning and it was so good to see my friends that I hadn't seen since New Staff Training in Colorado! Then I got to have lunch with another sweet leader, Kendall! And it was so fun to catch up with her. Hanging out with leaders and loving and encouraging and disciplining them is one of my favorite parts of my job! Then after a quick minute at the office, I took the long way home with all the windows down and the music laud and enjoyed the sweet sunshine and warm weather. It just puts me in such a good mood! Then I got some groceries and started making dinner for my YL team which only one person ended up coming, but it was sweet time of fellowship and we had lots of great food! I hope the weekend and Monday will be just as warm as today was or warmer, so I can enjoy this sweet spring weather just a bit longer before it gets cold again!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
First club whoop whoop!
So Thursdays are my busiest days but they are also my favorites! Every Thursday morning I get up super early and head to East Nashville to work out with Alecia...trying to tone our "butts and guts" as the class is so named! Then we get coffee at Ugly Mugs! And I just love the tradition that we have created! I hate when I am not here on a Thursday and have to miss it. It really is one of the best things all week (even if sometimes I am sore through the whole weekend!) Then today I had lunch with one of our leaders at a new Mexican restaurant and it was SOOOO good! I love finding new restaurants that I love! Then I got to hang out with Cami and do some craft shopping! And really what could be better....I love that both of us love doing crafts so much! And we just had fun running around town finding supplies for her baby's room (Harper Grace)! Then it was home for a quick shower and off to club! We had our first real club and it was so fun! It makes me so excited about the up coming semester and Young Life and what God is doing here in Nashville.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today was such a great day! I had lunch at CPA with our need leaders and they got to meet tons of new girls and it was so much fun to be there and hang out! After a great lunch I headed to the office to get ready for Work Crew Training. I worked on getting all that stuff together all after and got a 30 minute break to run home pick up some more stuff and head back to the office for the actual training! But we had 11 kids come and represent all the different schools which was so exciting! After my long day I was so excited to go home make some dinner and relax on the couch and watch my favorite show...LOST! If you have not gotten into Lost you need to go rent the first 4 seasons (or go online) and watch is an incredible show! I almost want to not watch them week to week just so that I can save myself all the suspense I have each week waiting for the next episode!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Highs and Lows
So, I am happy to say that Brooke and I were early to staff meeting today! We had a great staff meeting that lasting until lunch and I stayed at the office finishing up details for summer camp, my monthly report as well as getting ready for club Thursday! I was able to take a quick power nap before heading back to the YL office for Quest tonight. Then met up with Brooke and we went and saw the movie Doubt. It made me so frustrated with the characters but was a good movie with phenomenal acting!
One thing I miss about Knoxville and my time with my roommate Christine was our highs and Lows for the day so in honor of her...
My Low for the day was that it was so freezing outside and so windy all day. It was 17 degrees in my car when we were getting out of the movie tonight and was snowing...I am so ready for it to be Spring!
My High for the day is 2 things...Talking to one of my old YL girls (Abby) and catching up on life and just to hear her sweet voice! I miss seeing her everyday and continue to pray that she would know the sweet love and grace of our Lord! My second high was watching these Ellen DeGeneres videos of her doing hilarious games with a blind fold. In which Alecia replicated at her club last night! You have got to watch these videos! There is one of some women playing musical chairs and one of 2 women eating Ritz crackers off glass blind-folded. The eyes on the blind-fold make the whole game!
This is Andy trying on one of the blind-folds after quest!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 3, 2009
One thing I miss about Knoxville and my time with my roommate Christine was our highs and Lows for the day so in honor of her...
My Low for the day was that it was so freezing outside and so windy all day. It was 17 degrees in my car when we were getting out of the movie tonight and was snowing...I am so ready for it to be Spring!
My High for the day is 2 things...Talking to one of my old YL girls (Abby) and catching up on life and just to hear her sweet voice! I miss seeing her everyday and continue to pray that she would know the sweet love and grace of our Lord! My second high was watching these Ellen DeGeneres videos of her doing hilarious games with a blind fold. In which Alecia replicated at her club last night! You have got to watch these videos! There is one of some women playing musical chairs and one of 2 women eating Ritz crackers off glass blind-folded. The eyes on the blind-fold make the whole game!
Photo a Day Challenge
February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Gossip Girl here...
Spotted, H and B staying up late to watch Gossip Girl after a crazy day of work. Will they be able to get up and make it to staff meeting on time? Or will they be stuck with YL office chores?!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday!
Today has been such a pretty day! We had a high of 66 was a great little taste of Spring, which I am so ready for! After Church this morning I came home cleaned my house a bit and watched a bit of the movie "Little Rascals" Which is such a funny movie and reminds me of Mo every time I watch it. Then Brooke and I went to see Revolutionary Road. It was okay....Great acting but overall the movie was sad and made you kinda depressed and I really hope that my life never turns out like that. But after the movie it was Superbowl time! Nothing too exciting just hanging out at my house watching it. I didn't really care about either team but was cheering for Arizona just cause I am not a huge fan of Pittsburgh! I really thought that they were going to pull it off at the end but oh well! I also wasn't too impressed with the commercials. I did like the Cheetos and Budweiser commercials but that is about it.
Photo a Day Challenge
February 1, 2009
February 1, 2009
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